A question to make...?

Question:What question should i make so as many peple to answer it in Y! Answers?

A good one.or you could just throw something like this out there and people will use it for easy points
ask questions you cant solve yourself
Say something about a relationship. Everyone is an "expert" on the subject. Ya know, along the lines of, "My significant other beats me, but I love them, what should I do?!?"
You just made me think of a good question, but now Im gonna need to use it, so sorry cant help you
I ask questions that make some people mad even though they're simple and supposed to be fun, wouldn't be much help unless you like mad people. In fairness though, really nice people answer too. Depends on if you want to be serious or not. Maybe this one did it.
short of asking the meaning of life, looks like you threw one out there that will get a lot of hits.

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