What, if anything, is wrong with the following sentence?

Question:1.Being unable to type the letter, the boss fired me.
a.Properly constructed sentence
b. Comma splice
c. Dangler
d. Fragment
2.Arriving at the circus early, seats could be selected near the center ring.
a.Lacks parallel parts
b. Properly constructed sentence
c. Dangler
d. Comma splice

Both sentences have the same error. The first letter is implying the the boss was unable to type the letter. The second letter is implying that the seats arrived at the circus early. The responses common to both questions are dangler and comma splice. I'm not sure which one is correct, though.
1. b
2. d

the boss wasn't "unable to type the letter".

"me..." was


"seats" didn't arrive at the circus early.the people implied that arrived early did...

a nice substitute for this sentence could be

Seats could be selected near the center ring when one arrived at the circus early.

...or something along those lines...:D

Good luck!
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Both SEEM to be proper.
1. C. Dangling Modifier
explanation: it wasn't the boss who was unable to type the letter. corrected sentence should be "Being unable to type the letter, I was fired by the boss."

2. C. Dangling Modifier
explanation: it wasn't the seats who arrived early to the circus. corrected sentence should be "Arriving early at the circus, We could select seats near the center ring."

understand now? :D it's actually very simple if you see whether the phrase is modifying the correct noun.

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