ABA /Autism programs?

Question:Anybody know of some good grad programs in the US to research for Applied Behavior Analysis or Autism studies...I have been slacking on looking at grad schools...need some motivation, would prefer to be in the midwest/east coast

thanks in advance !

University of Florida - probably the best in the country for ABA... Dr. Iwata is the chair.

University of Kansas

Ohio State University

West Virginia University

Johns Hopkins - Maryland

To name a few... also see who you want to study under, and see where they teach. For example, pull some research articles from JABA and check out the authors and what schools they are affiliated with.

Temple University - Phil Hinline
University of MA has an online master's certificate program in behavioral management for the classroom. Applied Behavioral Analysis will also be a certificate program rather than a degree. Best thing to do is a google search. Good luck and thanks for joining this field...you will be welcomed and well worked!
I can tell you, being the parent of a son with autism, that the University of KS program is one of the best in the country.
I would look at UCLA since the person who created it Ivar Lovaas is there as is the UCLA center for autism

I believe though that you wanted something in the midwest...look at UW- Madison. They have the highly respected Waisman Center there
Penn State--http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/autism.sh...

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