Is it right for people to do this Middle School Kids please vote please please ?

Question:In the state of FL a student may be retained if they fail one core class! History, Reading, Science, and Math. Here is me as an example What if a student is a straghit A student and they really know the material but they do suckish on testes. Mostly because their 504 is not being met and they are not getting the acomidations they need. Not only me but other kids might suffer this too vote tell me is tis new plan fair?the state of FL a student may be retained if they fail one core class! History, Reading, Science, and Math what do yuo think give me feedback and tell your friends to vote!

THAT IS THE GAYEST THING I'VE EVER READ.No that dosn't seem fair.
what's retained?
that is horrible the same thing is with me in math on test i get As and B's but on the homework i get F's and D's. then on my report card i have a C or D!! it is totally not fare.
Retained = held back?

Well, it kind of sucks, but core classes are there because they're supposed to be markers for how much you've learned. You can't move onto the next level if you haven't passed the last one.

But if they don't give you a summer school option so you can progress with your normal grade the next year, I'd say that's a little unfair.
If they are a straight A student it wont matter if they fail high school. When they turn 18 they can get into most colleges in the country if you have the money.
The rules are the rules and although they may suck, they apply the same to everyone.
Its the same in louisiana. a friend of mine is good in school, but when it came to those state exams you take every 2 yrs (they're called the g.e.e here) she failed the math portion, and had to go to summer school before she could get her diploma. thankfully nobody knew and she walked with her class anyways
in my school if you fail one class & one class only (even if it is p.e.) you fail & we dont have core classes so you have to pass all the classes
This is one of those times where parents/guardian acting as their child's advocate is important. The adult should be involved in the 504 process (the student as well, where and if appropriate). They should also be checking that the accomodations are being applied appropriately. If this is not the case, you might need to talk to another adult who can be your advocate and speak up for you to get what you need to succeed.

Best of luck and keep up the good work on your grades.
Who said life is fair? You have to show yourself to others as being capable, and failing a class is not doing that.

Of course it is necessary to have standards. They are tried and tested and have proven themselves (the standards) to be validly in place.
unfortunately with the 504 not giving any special things for testing they can hold you back... maybe the next 504 review it needs to have attention brought to it. have parents go to school board meetings and also meet with the special education board and bring this to thier attention... its sorta of descrimination if they are not doing what is all listed in the 504 or helping to at leact meet the needs of someone who sounds like to me are trying but having problems with one certian class. maybe there is an issue with this teacher or enviroment.
With my standerized testing there are options totake the test a different way, such as having it read out loud to you. Contact your district because atleast in CA they need to provide that option.
There are several problems with what you're saying.

If the tests you are talking about are FCAT tests that you haven't done well on you can go to summer school, and if you pass and you are doing grade level work you will not be retained. In fact, in most counties, if you only fail one class you can go to summer school to make it up and still pass to the next grade level.

If the tests are the standard classroom tests, that is a whole different story. Most teachers do not fail students because they have difficulty taking tests. There are usually many other assignments and grades in a class besides tests so a student can pass.

The grades to determine whether or not you pass for the year are averaged from your grades all year. Grades are given every grading period with progress reports in the middle of each period. You knew a long time ago that you were failing, and if you truly believe it is due to not being given testing accommodations you and/or your parents had plenty of time to have a conference with the teacher and counselor. You're whining about it now, but what have you done about it all year?

If a student can't read and write why should they be passed on? So they can fail at the next grade level, too? If this question is any indication of your writing abilities, I'm not surprised you failed.

I know this won't be a popular answer since apparently you want people to commiserate with you and tell you how wrong it is that you're being retained, but I think it's time you accepted responsibility for actions and do what you need to do to pass instead of whining about it.
that really sucks, they really need to look at a kid and see why they are failing the test, maybe he had some problems with reading or something during a test and they get really nervous. so they need to do something different.
If the real reason that you've failed the test only they can't hold you back if they aren't meeting your 504 and that's the reason that you failed the test. If you have a valid 504 your parents should advocate for you. They are the only ones who can make sure that your educational needs are being met. That's what parents are for. They should talk to the principal and than if that doesn't help go to the school board. There is a federal law that makes it illegal not to provide needed services to students how need them, but you have to get your parents to fight for you that's the only way to do this.

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