What are some of the advantages of bilingual people ?

Question:Please tell an answer made from your own words, from your own experiences.

you can talk crap about people right in front of them -- and they have no idea!!!
bilingual people have better job oppurtunities and looks better for colleges.
job opportunities,
Well, first of all, you can get an easier job. for instance, if your gonna work at a chinese resturant as a waiter, you could learn chinese and like talk it. u should learn a language in school, so you can get a job easier during/after college. you can communicate if ur like a missionary with indian people and stuff
the main advantage to bilingual people is that they can, in some cases, as i see it, possibly, speak two languages. yeah, that would be it!
Here in south tx, if you can speak espanol, noy only are more qualified, but the pay is wayyy more. It's great being bilingual!
- They're not as self-absorbed as people who have never studied another country's language. Being able to read, talk, sing, or dream in another language helps you to understand another culture, helps you to have empathy for people who are different from you. It's an extremely important quality.

- People who study languages don't take the meanings of words for granted. They often seen the root words in words or are able to make connections between the word for something in one language and how it is related to the word for that thing in another language.

-The ability to talk to more than just one group of people. You honor people by speaking their language...which we can't always do. But bi and multi-lingual people are able to speak to more people in the world speaking the same language...and how cool is that? They can travel more easily than people who are stuck in their own language.

- If you speak / read another language, it allows you to read the literature of that language in its original form, without having to trust a translator and lose meaning in the translation.

- Learning languages builds connections in the brain and strengthens many cognitive skills. The more languages, the better!
Its always good to know an extra language.
a) you can be in another country and speak the language
b) you can communicate with tourists ect.
c) you can be an interpeter
d) just to be more knolegeble
e) you can have a secret language when you dont want someone listenign to your conversation.
When it comes to languages. the more you know the better
Being able to communicate with people from my wife's country when we travel there...the Philippines (the language is TAGALOG). I speak their language when I'm there, it's their country!!
I have read it somewhere that bilingual people can process things faster and besides there is apparent advantage of overcoming the barrier of no communication when u r able to talk in the language of the other person and the other person can only speak his/her mother tongue. Other possible advantages can be seen in the fields of business and profession also...eg Interpreters are professionals who are bilinguals
A second language represents knowledge gained. Plus the knowledge is useful when it comes to getting jobs or traveling internationally.
I am not bilingual ,but most peole believe so as I've studied hard to get here, so I can tell you that it is a great advantage to be bilingual in the workplace. You can find a job much more easily and have more opportunities to alter your work preferences.
I am English-Spanish bilingual.

-I have good job opportunities because I can help double the customers.
-Can travel to several countries and survice
-Can know a lot more people
Well...let me give you my personal experience to show you. I work at Wal-Mart and I love to see the look on people's faces when I speak Spanish to them when they don't know English. I am going to be a Spanish teacher. I married a Hispanic. I have went to Mexico 3 times to visit my in-laws.

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