How to, politely, get someone to stop saying “Ain’t” ?

Question:A highly educated person at work use “ain’t” too much. How can I politely help them sound better when they are talking in group situations?

Well, you certainly can't say anything when you're in a group situation, but I guess you know that.

Many years ago, whenever we heard anyone saying "aint," the favorite retort was "'Aint' aint in the dictionary." It was meant to be funny, but it was true. Now, however, it is in the dictionary and, though somehow listed as being accepted as a southern thing, I totally disagree.

You could try the above comment if this person uses aint while talking only to you. S/he might take offense, defend the aints by saying s/he was sure it was in the dictionary or whatever. Either way, pretend you didn't know it was even in the dictionary and insist that it's not a word and s/he just might take a look to prove you wrong. It's in there, but it's not very flattering to the people who do use it.

So, I think you are being nice by trying to do something about something that could hold your colleague back in his or her career in order to help this person. And I think purposely being wrong about something in order to help a person out without embarrasing him/her face-to-face is to be praised, not scolded as some others have indicated.

And I don't think that 20 years from now aint will be accepted. I might buy a garden hose or even a used car from someone who uses "aint," but I surely wouldn't buy a house or stock or anything of any value. Politically correct or not, I know I'm not alone in this thinking.

I say pass the world along - gently and indirectly - to your colleague. If it's taken the wrong way, at least you tried to help.

Good luck - :)
You can't. It's none of your business and you have no real reason other than the fact that it offends you. She doesn't need someone pointing out her flaws or telling her she appears uneducated. The most you can do is speak intelligently and encourage others to do so (away from her presence) and hope she catches on.

I have a nasty habit of correcting others myself but I've found people hate it and have made attempts to not do it unless it's really bad. But NEVER would I do it in a professional setting. It's rude and unprofessional of you.
there Ain't anything wrong w/ that word it jus means ur from the south
They'll feel offended. Don't.

There's no rulebook on what is and isn't good English. Some high school and college teachers might forbid their students from using it now, but in 20 years it could be so widely used that no one cares anymore. So why would you want to take it away from somebody?
Just to let the previous poster know, there are indeed books on what is considered to be proper English; just because they are not being used in teaching the English language, does not eliminate the need for proper speech.
(English is not my native language).

When you speak to them you can correct the sentence by repeating part of the sentence in your answer, using the correct grammar.

I had to do this in a somewhat similar situation when a person I know used a five letter word to describe complaining; I politely kept substituting griping for the word she was using.
She finally did get the message, and some red cheeks too.
Just randomly singsongingly say,"Ain't ain't a word and I ain't gunna say it."
Sometimes habits are hard to die.I use just mm mm when listen to some one speak.Acknowledging that I am listening.
It is just an habit . My friend told me very politely but it is so ingrained I can't get rid of it. I meet people from all walks of life. I don't think you can really teach an old dog new tricks.

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