Question:ok im going to be home schooled this coming up school year and im going to be in the 9th grade woot woot yea pretty cool to me but my question is what are some good home school websites where u can do it online? my mom and dad wanted to see what school i want to do online so if anyone got any idea that would be great, thanks
Heard good things about Keystone and American School of Correspondence - (as others already mentioned.) Also:
However, here are some that I'm looking at for my daughter (she's going into 9th grade, but doesn't want to be homeschooled; we're against high-stakes testing and I won't let her WASL).
I don't know what state you are in, but here is a website to get more information on your state's homeschooling laws. You can homeschool independently, without online school classes. Your parents can teach you by getting the appropriate materials for your grade. Contact your state's homeschool organization for assistance on the right material.(
Good luck and have fun in 9th grade!!
Florida Virtual School is free to Florida residents and is considered public school. It is available to the other 49 states at a fee.
try it is a site that gives you free learning lessons. XD
Check out If your state doesn't have something there, try your state's education website and if you have no luck there, try doing a search for [your state] virtual school.
I went through the American School of Correspondence for my high school (last two years). I don't know if it is completely online or not.
But I have friends who are going through Penn Foster High School. I am currently taking a career course through them. They are good (although I personally preferred the American School).
Both are very good, though. Check them out.
There are lots of places to check. You already have several good leads so I will just add to the list:
1) Alpha Omega Publications--Switched On Schoolhouse--popular with lots of homeschoolers
2) Abeka has an online program--usually pricey but thorough
3) Veritas Press has a Scholars online program--pricey but quality
4) Colorado Virtual Academy if you are in Colorado--Free
5) Some states have online programs within the public school system which are affordable with standards like the public school
6) Texas A & M and BYU both have high school online programs
Hope this helps!
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