Typo? Exponential notation Quotient Rule?

Question:My study guide says, "when dividing exponents with the same base, subtract the exponents and keep the same base."

It then gives the example: (2^4)/(2^3) = 2^(4-3) = 2^(-1)

However, 4-3=1, not -1. Shouldn't the correct answer be 2^1, or 2?

Yes, you are correct. The answer should NOT be 2^-1, because it is positive and would go on the top. Instead, it would be 2^1.

Hope this helps and good job catching that! ;-)
Typo! The general rule is subtract the exponents and leave the base where the largest exponent was, in the numerator or the denominator. Some books want all bases in the numerator, so you could end up with a negative exponent this way.
If it is truly written : (2^4)/(2^3)

Then the answer is 2^1 or 2

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