Where can I find out about preschools in California?
Question:I would like to know where to look for complaints or violations for potential preschools/daycare facilities. Are these on file somewhere? I am just starting to research preschools and want to know if certain schools have had problems that could affect my decision.
Are you interested in finding out if a Child Care Facility meets licensing requirements?
If so, you may contact your local Regional Office or County Licensing Office and make a request to review the licensee's facility file. The file will contain information related to evaluation visits conducted by the licensing agency and any complaints against the facility that were substantiated by the Department.
County Licensing Offices: http://ccld.ca.gov/countyoffi_1894.htm...
First call you local elementary schools, social service agencies, and churches. They should be able to give you a list of preschools in your area. Then check out their licensing, and contact the schools. Ask about the credentials of the teachers. Ask what their curriculum is and what the children's daily schedule is. Ask what their discipline policy is and ask for references. Hopefully you can speak to some parents and get their thought on the schools. Visit the schools and try to observe a class in progress. Once you have a selected a program, plan to volunteer time on a regular basis so that you can see first hand what your child is experiencing. Don't be afraid to voice your opinions and ask questions. An involved parent helps to insure the best educational experience for their child!
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