I am studying childcare and the question is: Two preschoolers have an argument over a toy. One has become greatly upset and says "I hate you, you're not my friend anymore". How do you respond? If any child care workers out in that have an answer, thankyou!
firstly i would go over and ask them to stop and can i hold the toy please i would redirect the other child to some sort of other play after letting them both know that we have lots of toy's here at-------------- so there is plenty to be in motion around. then talk to the child who was exceedingly upset letting her/him know that it makes you upset when you see they are upset and that hate is a very strong word after discussion to the child maybe get the 2 together to talk roughly their feelings and they can apologize to each other then direct them to an diversion. but make sure you let them know how it makes you consistency as well
hope this help a little
I had this happen to me when I be teaching preschool . You have to separate the behavior from the person. You might utter to the mad child" I know you are very mad that you can't own that toy, but I think you hate not getting the toy, but you don't hate that child". That is the cause of it. We need to teach children that they can hate behaviors but they cannot disgust humans. this does a boomerang on them, because if they don't learn this , then they live in nervousness of being hated by others.
Preschoolers don't fully understand those words, so when they use them, they don't really mean equal thing that they would mean coming from a more mature entity. You have to remember that as you respond to the situation. Also, friendships in this age group are different, and often more momentary than they are contained by more mature children.
We have a rule in my classroom that We use form words and actions. We often talk give or take a few what that means. In that situation I would first tell the children that I will hold the toy while we talk give or take a few this. Then I would ask the child who used the mean language if those were open-handed words to say. They would of course say No. Then I would ask if he would similar to the other child to say that to him, and again he will say No. Then I would point out that he has broken a rule, and suggest that we try to solve this problem lacking breaking a rule. I would ask the children if they have a solution that both of them can agree to. They may suggest sharing, taking turns, or one of them can use the other toy like that. Or they may not both agree to the suggested solution, in which shield I would help them come up with a good sharing solution, such as child A can use it for 5 minutes, later child B will use it for 5 minutes, and I will time it for you. I will then re-direct child B to something constructive to do until it is his turn. I will also remind the user of the mean words that he should use nice words next time to ask for a turn. I would later watch the time to be sure each child gets a turn, but habitually, child A will relinquish his turn before the time is up or they will come up with their own way to work together! Source(s): ECE educationalist, mother of 3, grandmother of a whole bunch
children will own their argument all the time, of course. just try to solve it by asking which one of them have the toy first and after that, give it to the first child who got it and give another toy to the other boy.
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