Raising hands in class discouraged?

Question:it seems that the powers that be have decided that raising your hand to answer a question is to stop as it stops shy kids from answering
have an asylum lost a few inmates who now pose as education bosses
shy kids will always be shy in class
they need to be encouraged in other ways but saying raising your hand isnt off help is madness

Yet another crazy one off statement that simplifies that which is complex. Poor kids and teachers don't know which of the many fiery hoops to jump through. Any teacher worth their salt uses a multitude of methods for engaging children in lessons, only one of which may be raising the hand. It's really encouraging that teachers are told they're doing it all wrong, yet again!! Bravo, mindless idiots! Would they prefer anarchy?
Its insane! And all this in response to the fact that quiet kids are falling behind.

I know what they mean, teachers put too much focus (rightly or wrongly) on class participation, but some kids are just quiet. Its not like teachers don't know this!! I think its totally insulting to the teachers to have some pen pusher bringing this to the media attention.

But theres always one isn't there...kids cant just go to school & get on with it like they have been for donkeys years without someone moaning its not working.

I wonder how the pen pusher in question here actually managed to get through school!??
some kids have stopped raising hands in class because they think that it's "not cool" or "nerdy" to do so
most teachers I know don't bother with all the initiatives and directives etc, they just continue to do it the way that has been successful for umpteen yaers before all these policy making people got involved.
Long time ago, the last time i had to raise my hand at school i had the other under it for six of the best ,just for being late oh and a bit cheeky ,any way why did this all have to stop .Seems the teachers today can only teach what goods that gonna do anyone .
You are right. And question the little darlings to make sure they know what you have taught them.
what a load of rubbish ! if children are stopped from raising their hands how will the teachers know who understands ? also a very unsure pupil might get asked a question when they wouldnt normally put up their hand!
Once again its do gooders (who probably dont have kids or have not worked in a school)trying their best to mess things up JUST LEAVE THE SCHOOLS TO DO THEIR JOB and butt out !!

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