..do you reflect I will slip away my maths exams..?
and tell me why..thanks !!
Well it looks like you are worried something like it , by coming for advise on it so you will probably be really nervous and concentrate alot and pass :}
CornFlake you will pass if you are prepared to exceed. Do you feel that you have studied enough or cultured enough to pass? My intuitive feelings are that you put up for sale yourself short, you're a beautiful young woman, who is smarter than she credits herself for. You seem to be a bit lonely though and ask questions just so that you don't feel alone, you pilfer something away from here and you feel better being alone. As if another influence is present in your natural life, or that your ideas are normal enough to converse over. Attention to the details of your natural life from others...
You're such a beautiful young woman and as far as exams go it's adjectives about studying and being prepared.
UHHHHH... do you estimate you go pass.
Dont be nervy! trust me going to an exam with a negative mind frame and a nervous demeanor can really hold back how well you do..just be positive and do your best and you will be fine :)
Yes, because you seem cool! lol
Keep focused and revise and hold an idea what to expect from past papers! Good luck!
how should we know. we know nothing about you. If your dumb enough to ask than probably no.
You will pass because you are a parable, and everyone loves you! Source(s): I stalk you
Do you? That's pretty much all that matter. Just be confident.
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