"At 20 years of age the will resigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the jugdement.Explain it!?
I want to know is this the reason, i gave up my desires?
sounds like at twenty
your will
or childhood resigns
sounds like at thirty
your wit
or your driving mentality of mortal in your prime now extinguishes
and at 40 judgement
or maybe a midlife crisis Source(s): what desires lol?
I'm wondering if it is REIGNS ,, not resigns. To me it makes sense ... in ones 20s, the will is in charge of a person's decision , by 30 one uses one's intelligence, and in ones 40s one has developed the judgement to make moral decisions.
It just say that the older you get, the more you loose the sharpnes of your mind, ONLY if you dont train it.
Hopes and desires are the only things that preserve us alive.
where on earth did you find this ??
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