Question:I have been browsing the internet searching for print outs that I could give to my cousin Erica so that she could study for her next ACT test. Unfortunately, I'm not having much luck. The only thing I could tell her is to use a public computer in the library, but you only get two hours at the most and I know that's not enough to study. How can I help her? If you know where I can get some print outs, please let me know.
go to the act website and order a free study guide. There should of been one in her act registration packet. GED study packets are also good to work from believe it or not.
I would also check out
it's free online help for the ACT, SAT, you name it!
also...sparknotes has nice test prep materials available free online...and so does
Good luck to your cousin Erica!
I'll tell you what's on each part of the test.
Science and Reasoning is maybe the easiest part for a lot of people because it's mostly interpreting. She might see two charts and need to tell what might have happened to cause changes in those.
Help her out on her English skills if she's having trouble. The English section is a bunch of "Pick the correct word: Mispell, Misspell" and "Where does the comma belong? I bought | ice cream | bagels, and milk."
The math contains a lot of questions from algebra, trigonometry, and geometry. Mostly go over geometry and algebra; the trigonometry is very basic.
The reading consists of reading an article or story and answering questions about it. "What do you think this character will do next?" "What is the main conflict?" and so on.
The writing will consist of a randomly given prompt. She will have 30 minutes to plan and write an essay. She will have extra work space to work things out in. You might want to find a list of prompts online and have her plan and write a well-structured essay in under 30 minutes.
Good luck to your cousin in the ACT!
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