Question:list the posibilities of jobs that you could a foreign language field. with an aa degree in both, spanish and french, russian/english native. 4 fluent langauges. i really want to teach... <3333 im going to a PhD. level in both but now i only have AA in both, so i want to start teaching. what can i do? im like good in them.could i be like a teaching assitant or a student teacher, how much do those earn?
oh and im in california, if anyone cares
In California you can get an emergency teaching credential to substitute teach as long as you have 90 semester college credits and have passed a test of basic skills. I believe No Child Left Behind has made it necessary for instructional aides to have an AA or equivalent degree.
A substitute teacher can make anywhere from $60-100/day. An instructional aide starts out at about $8/hr. and usually works about 3 1/2 hours a day. In most cases, neither job will include health benefits.
With your language skills, you could probably get a teaching assistant job at your college while you are working on your advanced degrees.
Student Teachers dont get paid, they are "students".
You would need to get a Bachelors Degree first wayyyyyy before you jump to that PhD. and then get the proper state certification(s). You can teach the language classes yourself, this would make more sense about making more money.
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