5th grade teachers please help! social studies newspaper test for 5th grade (new york studies weekly)?

Question:yes its called the new york studies weekly and its a newspaper for 5th grade students ( and sometimes 4th grade but i need 5th grade) and its basically called the New York Studies Weekly U.S., Canada & Latin America and the address is like Connecticut Studies Weekly,1850 S. Edwards Ln., Heber City, Ut 84032. im a sub teacher and i need the answer key to the test Week # 17!! is there some kind of website i can get the answer key at? the regular teacher had the booklet of answer keys but she lost it so i need to find a way to find an answer key.if anyone knows what im talking about or already took the test Week 17 for 5th grade please tell me the information about it or if you know a website.thank you help in any way you can

You could do the worksheet and find the answers yourself.
Perhaps you should just figure it out.

You're a teacher, I'm sure you're not stupid to the extent of you not being able to to complete a fifth grade worksheet.

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