What is the correct age to start pre-school? Also, are there any recommendations from CA edu dept or others?
If you're just using preschool for enrichment purposes (not childcare purposes) then I would suggest about 3 1/2 years old, but it really depends on your child. Most schools prefer that your child is potty-trained before they are enrolled. Maybe try two half-days a week, such as Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 11:30. This is ample time for your child to explore a new environment, meet friends, and start to develop socially. When he is older you could try increasing the amount of time spent in preschool, depending on his reaction. Your child should be able to tell you how he feels about school and you should listen. This is a time to show your child that school is fun and enjoyable. You should not be forcing or pressuring your child into going to school because you're setting up a bad precedent when he starts elementary school later on. Definitely listen to his reaction because you need to find an environment that fits his personality.
The correct age is 5 not sure about the other
There is no correct age on when to start pre-school. I do know that most students start kindergarden around 5-6 years. Some schools have a set age for when to start kindergarden.
As for pre-school, I started when I was three. My younger sister started at just age 2. One of my friends started at 4. Whenever your child feels ready, which may differ for each child. Some children never even go, although I would most definitely recommend it.
I know that church pre-schools have good values, although I'm not saying other pre-schools don't. It doesn't matter what religion you are; most of them basically teach children the right way to treat eachother and interact with children their own age and adults. Find a good church pre-school near you!
Best of luck!
I would have to say 4 years old so that they can have a head start on some of the things.
i live in massachusetts, the age here is 2yrs 9 months.good luck
most preschools accept three and four year olds. my school in california accepts kids if they've turned three by september of that year. my son loves going there to socialize with his friends and learn new things about the world. he began going when he just turned three and i think that was a good age to send him.
There is not right age. Each child is different
As a pre-school teacher myself I agree with Kmatty.
2 or 3 days a week to start. If your child has never been away from you they will take time to get used to it. Some kids take right to it others it is very scary.
Visit as many preschools as you can. A good school will let you stay or even come in and out as necessary for your child.
You might want to make sure it is in your school district so your child will be making friends with children they will be going to kindergarten with. We have kids in our schoolage program who have been best friends since the "kitten room" (2 1/2 year old) class. They are in the 5th and 6th grade.
Call you local elementary school they will know about the preschools in your area and usually can answer any questions you have. At least they can point you in the right direction Some even have preschool.
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