At what IQ score do most school districts place children in a special education format?

Question:Is it 90, 85, or 80. I can't remember which one. Thanks.

90 is considered normal 80 to 75 is considered on the low side of normal. Anything between 90 to 115 is considered average. I know this from having a daughter with learning disabilities. My brother is also a psychologist and I asked him. Any IQ between 115 to 130 is considered high average and anything above 130 is considered gifted. So some one with an IQ above 75 would not usually placed in a class for the developmentally delayed unless requested by parents. There may be other learning difficulties that make a child's preforming IQ different from their standing IQ. For my daughter there was a 30 point difference which is what helped convince the school board that she had a learning disability or as her school calls it a learning difference. Her standing IQ is 127 at the time of her first evaluation her performance IQ was 90. I would hope that this helps you.
I believe that it is actually 75
It really depends on the classification of special education at 75 they consider then learning disabled (LD) and at anything under 70 they are considered Mentally disabled. the child IQ score really doesn't matter it be classified as emotionally Impaired (EI) some very smart children are classified as EI. And if you have a child that has been diagnosed with health disorders they classify as physically or health impaired (POHI), and then there are the children that are autistic that all they need is a diagnosis from a doctor to get them in special ed.

I hope this helped.
It is not just dependent upon IQ. People forget gifted and talented is also an area of special education. A person can have a normal IQ but they may be dyslexic so they will need modifications to help them learn. If you are talking about being intellectually deficient the IQ is usually 70 or below.
If you are talking about PDD, it depends on the state. Each state has it's own guidelines. There is no national norm.
However, as has been noted, kids with IQ scores all up and down the board are in special education. I had four children who each had IQs ranging from "normal range" (90-100)to "brilliant range" (130-140) who were on an IEP. I have had clients all up and down the scale who have been on IEPs from 80- 180. There are several qualifying categories for being on an IEP. Only two of those necessarily will normally find a child with an IQ lower than the normal range.
If you are talking about kids who are outside of the general classroom, in an inclusive classroom, the same as above applies. I had a client with an IQ of 160-170 who was in an inclusive school due to behavioral issues attached to his disability.
They generally don't do it by IQ alone. But, in my experience as a mild-to-moderate learning processing disordered secondary public school teacher (Special Day Class for Learning Handicapped) I find usually below 80 is when I see the label of mildly mentally retarded applied. I don't think this is federally guided though, so it is state by state and district by district. Check with your local school district for their guidelines
I work for a school district that will typically classify a child as mentally retarded with an IQ of 70 or lower. Other children can receive special education programming or accomodations under a learning disability classification. This means that there is a severe discrepancy between the child's IQ and ability level. For example, a child may have an average IQ- say 100- but their academic performance or achievement is at a level of 85 or lower. The discrepancy between the IQ and achievement must be 15 points or greater in order to receive eligibility under learning disabled. A child with a lower IQ can also have a learning disability, but not be classified as mentally retarded. For example a person with an IQ of 78 may be performing at a 60 achievement level in which case they would be classified as learning disabled. Hope this helps.

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